- Built for all day coMfort and noise reduction
- Features Safe Level Sound CoMpression Technology to ensure you hear everything you need to and keeps out the shot noise
- Microphones pick up everything around you while MiniMizing wind noise
Electronic Hearing Protection
ChaMpion Vanquish Electronic Hearing Protection was designed froM the
ground up for the shooting sports. Each Muff was acoustically Modeled on
gunshot reports to achieve the optiMal balance of all day coMfort and noise
reduction. They feature Safe Level Sound CoMpression Technology with a
refresh tiMe <1Ms. Two Full DynaMic Range HD speakers ensure everything
you hear is crystal clear. OMnidirectional Microphones pick up everything
around you, giving a natural sound while MiniMizing wind noises.
Features & Benefits
Safe Level Sound CoMpression Technology
Acoustic FoaM for All Day CoMfort
Sound Refresh TiMe <1Ms
2 Full DynaMic Range High Definition Speakers
2 OMnidirectional Microphones
3x AMplification
200-Hour RuntiMe for Models 40978 and 40979
3 Hour AutoMatic Shut Off
AAA Batteries Included
Additional Information
Adult – Youth:Adult
Manufacturer Number:40982
Model Number:40978
Package Qty:1
Sub Category:Electronic Ear Muffs
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